Most casinos in Mississippi continue to permit indoor tobacco use, yet legislation presented in the Jackson capital aims to terminate the smoking permission.
Among the 27 states that host commercial casinos, 17 allow tobacco smoking. Mississippi is included in the smoking states, but state Rep. Bryant Clark (D-Holmes County) aspires to eliminate cigarettes and cigars from commercial riverboat and brick-and-mortar casinos with his House Bill 361.
The suggested legislation, which has been referred to the House Public Health and Human Services Committee, would establish the Mississippi Smoke-Free Air Act of 2025. Many states have enacted statewide prohibitions on the use of tobacco products within the majority of workplaces and public facilities. However, Mississippi is not one of these states, although 162 local jurisdictions have implemented local smoke-free regulations.
"There is indisputable evidence that implementing 100% smoke-free environments is the only effective way to protect the population from the harmful effects of exposure to secondhand smoke,” Clark said.
The Mississippi Smoke-Free Air Act would prohibit smoking in all enclosed public spaces, including “bingo facilities” and “gaming facilities. ” As currently proposed, the law would also disallow smoking within 20 feet of all entrances and openable windows.
Mississippi has six commercial land-based casinos, 20 riverboats, and three tribal casinos. The Island View Casino Resort’s Beach View Casino in Biloxi and Magnolia Bluffs Casino in Natchez are the only commercial casinos that are smoke-free.
Since tribal casinos are located on sovereign land, they would not need to adhere to the smoking prohibition, although the three Indian casinos are already smoke-free.
After the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians banned indoor smoking in its three casino venues — Bok Homa Casino in Heidelberg, and Golden Moon Hotel and Casino, and Silver Star in Philadelphia.
The other commercial gaming establishments permit smoking anywhere on the casino floors.
Pursuing a statewide tobacco ban has faced significant challenges in the past, as public smoking rates in Mississippi are higher than the national average. The Mississippi State Department of Health reports that roughly 20% of the adult population in the state regularly uses tobacco. This figure is approximately 8% above the national statistic.
Yet, similar to much of the country, Mississippi’s smoking rate has been decreasing. In 2011, 26% of adults in Mississippi indicated that they were smokers.
The mayor of Jackson, Miss. is suggesting that he may support an initiative to bring a commercial casino and resort to the capital city of Mississippi.
Chokwe Antar Lumumba has been the mayor of Jackson since July 2017. An attorney and activist, he is the son of the late Jackson Mayor Chokwe Lumumba and is the eighth consecutive African-American to occupy the mayor’s office. Democrats have occupied the mayor’s position for many years, but despite attempts to revive the state's largest city, which has approximately 154K residents, Jackson continues to seek an economic revival.
This week, Lumumba indicated that he might back a legislative effort to establish a casino in the capital metro.
"I’m not against the idea,” Lumumba told the Clarion Ledger. “I just need more information to make an informed decision.”
The Mississippi Legislature gathered for its 2025 session on January 7. As reported by Casino. org in December, there is an anticipation for legislation that would permit slot machines, table games, and sports betting in Jackson, however, over a week into the legislative session, no proposal has been submitted.
Last year, a proposal aimed at offering state assistance to draw a gaming development to Jackson was halted in a House committee.
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